Embracing the Future of Flexible Packaging with the FUJIFILM Jet Press FP790

In the dynamic world of flexible packaging, innovation doesn't just drive progress—it propels industries into new eras of efficiency, sustainability, and customization. At the forefront of this transformation is the FUJIFILM Jet Press FP790, a digital printing press designed to meet the evolving demands of the market with unparalleled precision and adaptability.

The Driving Forces Behind the Shift

Three megatrends have emerged as catalysts for change in the flexible packaging sector: sustainability, time to market, and the rapid rise in Stock Keeping Units (SKUs). These trends aren't just reshaping how products are packaged; they're redefining the criteria for success in the packaging industry.

Sustainability: As environmental concerns become increasingly urgent, the packaging industry is under pressure to reduce waste and carbon footprints. The FUJIFILM Jet Press FP790 addresses this need head-on, using eco-friendly inks and materials that minimise environmental impact without compromising on quality.

Time to Market: In today's fast-paced world, the ability to bring products to market quickly is more critical than ever. The Jet Press FP790's digital capabilities streamline the packaging production process, significantly reducing turnaround times and enabling companies to respond swiftly to market changes.

The Rapid Rise in SKUs: Consumer demand for variety and personalization is leading to an explosion in the number of product variations—or SKUs—a trend that traditional printing methods struggle to accommodate efficiently. The Jet Press FP790's digital printing technology allows for easy customization and short runs, making it economically feasible to produce a wide array of packaging options.

Unveiling the FUJIFILM Jet Press FP790

The Jet Press FP790 isn't just a response to these trends; it's a solution that's been meticulously engineered to set new standards in flexible packaging production. With its advanced digital inkjet technology, the press offers unmatched quality, flexibility, and efficiency.

Quality: At the heart of the Jet Press FP790 is FUJIFILM's innovative inkjet technology, capable of achieving exceptional print quality with vibrant colours and sharp details. This precision ensures that even the most intricate designs come to life, enhancing brand perception and consumer engagement.

Flexibility: The Jet Press FP790's digital nature means that it can handle short runs and customization with ease, a must-have in an era of rising SKUs and personalised packaging. This capability allows brands to experiment with limited editions, seasonal variations, and targeted marketing campaigns without the cost and complexity traditionally associated with such endeavours.

Efficiency: With a printing speed that sets new industry benchmarks, the Jet Press FP790 significantly reduces time to market for new and existing products. This efficiency is further bolstered by its streamlined setup and operation, reducing downtime and increasing overall productivity.

Sustainability: A Core Principle

Recognizing the critical importance of sustainability in the flexible packaging industry, FUJIFILM has designed the Jet Press FP790 with eco-friendliness in mind. From its energy-efficient operation to its use of sustainable inks and materials, every aspect of the press is aligned with the goal of minimising environmental impact.

A Partner in Growth

Beyond its technological prowess, the FUJIFILM Jet Press FP790 represents a partnership approach to business. FUJIFILM works closely with clients to ensure that the press not only meets their current needs but also supports their growth and adaptation to future market changes. This collaborative spirit is part of what makes the Jet Press FP790 not just a machine, but a comprehensive solution for the flexible packaging industry.


The FUJIFILM Jet Press FP790 is more than just a digital printing press; it's a harbinger of the future of flexible packaging. By addressing the critical trends of sustainability, time to market, and the rise in SKUs, it offers a path forward for businesses looking to thrive in a changing landscape. In the hands of forward-thinking companies, the Jet Press FP790 is not just a tool for today—it's an investment in tomorrow.


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